Wednesday 29 February 2012

The emptiness inside, comes out and surrounds me,
Everytime i look it's still there,
It can't leave me,
But i still feel alone,
I walk down hallow doorways,
Trying not to think,
The emptiness that haunts me,
Warns me, i am alone,
The loneliness can not be filled,
It stays beneath my soul,
It creeps into my ear and whispers things,
That get inside my head,
They are so sharp, they scar me,
Burning under my skin,
But i don't show it,
I smile and carry on with everything,
My life is like a music box,
You wind it up, again and again,
It never gets tired or stops,
But i'm very lucky, or could do worse,
But it still haunts me,
The Ghost Of My Mind.....